Dead Shadows Are Alive
Dead Shadows is a cool movie about some alien lifeforms that come to earth and wreak havoc. The digital EFX in this one are pretty cool. This movie got a good amount of press when it came out. There are some well done monster EFX too, like the spider lady in the alley. It has a lot going for it for being such an oddball from left field. The plot of course leads to a wild finish that may raise more questions than it gives answers. I'm o.k. with that story telling approach though. There's a good amount of digital gore in this one for ya also.
You know we all love those kind of stories about things like meteors crashing into earth and transforming people. Call it Lovecraftian if you will. My fave part was the spider woman in the alley. As much as I liked the mutants in this movie I think they should have put a lot more. Just go over the top I say. Anyhow, this director has now become someone to keep an eye on. He has a couple more movies in the works and I'll be watching to see what he does. Me being the gorehound I am I thought the gore could have been more prevalent as well. I'm nitpicking a lot though because I liked it. I would buy the blu ray of this one. It's so inspiring to fans of body horror and alien horror. This movie holds the promise of cool movies to come from this director. David Cholewa is his name. I get ideas from movies like this. It doesn't end cleanly and concise, rather it shows utter and complete chaos and makes you fear for humankind. You could make a ton of movies like this but honestly there aren't very many out there for some reason. That's why it stands out.
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